
News & Information

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Services Articles

These articles provide a bit more information about the services we offer as well as how we offer them.

Vendor and Solution Selection 101

Vendor and Solution Selection 101

Vendor and Solution Selection 101 By: John Rushing, Founder   Introduction Let’s face it, nobody likes to write Requests for Proposals (RFP’s). They can be arduous to develop, require a lot of everyone’s time, and the more complex the RFP, the more difficult they...

The Case for Design

The Case for Design

Introduction Most of us have seen or heard of Contact Center infrastructure projects that didn't quite achieve the goals they set out to. At least not when they were first implemented. There are a lot of ways that this can occur but in my experience what many of these...

Capability Maturity Model & Future-state Visioning

Capability Maturity Model & Future-state Visioning

Overview of the Capability Maturity Model The Capability Maturity Model ("CMM") was originally developed as a tool that would enable objective assessment of government contractors' development processes to implement a contracted software project. Although the model...

ContactScope: Benchmarking

ContactScope: Benchmarking

Overview If used correctly, benchmarking your contact center or broader customer experience performance can provide an excellent set of tools to both measure and monitor contact center operations.  SixSigma defines Benchmarking "an improvement process in which a...

ContactScope: Contact Center Performance Assessment

ContactScope: Contact Center Performance Assessment

Overview Our Contact Center Performance Assessment ("CCPA") is completed through the execution of four (4) inter-related work streams which have been designed to analyze, document, and quantify the organization’s application of people, process, and technology to...

In Technology

This section provides original articles about technologies in, around, and impacting CEM, CX, and related fields. Articles in this section are almost always original content.

ChatBots – An Untapped Goldmine of User Intent

ChatBots – An Untapped Goldmine of User Intent

ChatBots - An Untapped Goldmine of User Intent By John Rushing, Founder   There have been a lot of discussions lately around how conversational interfaces can and will interact with users whether it's through the use of appliances like Amazon's Alexa or Google's...

AI and Its Potential Impact to CEM and Staffing

AI and Its Potential Impact to CEM and Staffing

Introduction Before I begin, let me encourage you to watch and listen to a demonstration conducted during Google's annual I/O developer conference just a couple of weeks ago. The actual video of the event is about ¼ the way down the page and is labeled “Google Duplex...

The Race to the “Cloud”

The Race to the “Cloud”

Introduction When most of us think of “Cloud” solutions, particularly those related to Contact Centers, the attributes we think about most often include; Low-cost, subscription-based service Zero-install (no equipment to install, configure, or maintain) Ease of use...

Technology vs. Process

Technology vs. Process

A while back I was reminiscing with an old friend about days long-past and all the projects we did back at MCI in the 90's. One of these was a nationally broadcast shopping channel. At the time, the company was a relatively new national broadcasting phenomenon but...

Brain Treats

This section contains articles that may be of interest to our audience. Most are related to customer experience in some way but others may simply be interesting and thought-provoking in some way.

Customer Experiences

This section contains articles about customer experiences that I have had personally. I try to add comments about what made the experience particularly good or bad. Please feel free to comment and/or mention your own experiences.

WP Engine ( – March, 2018

WP Engine ( – March, 2018

WPEngine ( WPEngine is a WordPress hosting provider that operates out of Austin, TX. According to, the company has between 201-500 employees, serving around 75,000 customers  For a company its size, not to mention one with over 30% growth...

General Articles

This section contains articles that simply haven’t found a home yet. Don’t worry though. They are all warm and comfy!

Customer Experience

Customer Experience

Whether we call it customer experience management or customer service/customer care, the goal should be the same. Know your customer, listen to and understand their needs, and make every attempt to meet or exceed their expectations every single time.

Why contactScope

Why contactScope

ContactScope was founded based on the simple premise that your organization knows your customers, your environment, and your business processes best. As an outside consultancy, we are able to provide the industry knowledge, technical expertise, tools, methodologies...

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