WPEngine (www.wpengine.com)

WPEngine is a WordPress hosting provider that operates out of Austin, TX. According to Indeed.com, the company has between 201-500 employees, serving around 75,000 customers  For a company its size, not to mention one with over 30% growth last year, their support is exceptional. I recently migrated my site to them after my old provider (also in Austin, TX) decided to stop providing hosting services so that they could focus on cryptocurrencies (don’t ask me).  In any case, despite their size, WPengine support is available 24×7 – believe me, I’ve tested it.  As far as I can tell, their support services are US-based but I have not investigated.

In addition to being ever-available, their support techs always know what’s going on with my account and have what appears to be easy-access to my dashboards, etc. I never have to explain an issue twice and the technicians seem to go out of their way to be helpful.

I was preparing to launch this site a few weeks ago and needed to ensure that all the security was set up properly (I won’t go into WP security here). I had completed several [development to production] migrations before with my old hosting provider and it was always a nightmare.  I’m sure most of the migration issues with my old provider were my fault, but that’s beside the point.  The main point is that I knew that one little mistake, let alone several would inevitably lead to days of troubleshooting, rework, etc., and I simply did not have time for that so in the days leading up to the first push out to production, I must have had a dozen conversations with WPengine’s support team via chat and in each and every case, they were available almost immediately, answered every question I had, offered advice even when it was unsolicited, and provided flawless execution when I had them actually online with me (via chat) for the intial migration.

Opportunity #1: I don’t know anything about WPengine’s sales, service, and support infrastructure (yet!), so I don’t know if they have exceptional people supported by mediocre infrastructure who go in every day and routinely make herculean efforts to satisfy their customers or if they have great people supported by awesome infrastructure that makes their work appear effortless. What I know, and the only thing I care about as a customer is…

  • They know me
  • They know the services I have
  • They are polite and noticeably conscious of my time while at the same time are willing to expend any amount of theirs without complaint
  • They always address my questions and needs completely and stay engaged until they know my needs have been met

Keep up the good job!  I have a feeling they’ll be experiencing a LOT more growth given the quality of service they provide. Historically, rapid growth can put a great deal of stress on companies and the services they provide.  Company’s that provide “okay” service tend to fall into a canyon when growth occurs quickly while one’s known for exceptional service can lose the competitive advantage that exceptional service provides IF they have not prepared for it.